Wednesday, August 29, 2018

How to Repair a Damaged & Corrupted Memory Card?

Memory cards are extremely popular storage media that can be used for data backup purpose. Memory cards are categorized according to the types used in different devices like mobile phone, digital cameras, laptops, and AV players. Some of the types include CF card, SD card, XD-Picture, USB stick, etc. There are different brands available but irrespective of the popularity, these devices can falter and get damaged due to several reasons. Non-functioning of the cards can happen because of improper ejecting, power shortage, virus attack, or something else. Some of the common error messages that may get displayed when the card is not functioning properly area CARD LOCKED, MEMORY CARD ERROR, CARD NOT FORMATTED, or some kind of ERROR CODES. When errors strike, it may become a situation of panic since a whole lot of data may well be stored inside the card and non-accessibility may cause some severe information loss kind of scenario. The question is: How to get the card repaired and recover the data being trapped inside?   
 Well, data recovery is not easy but still quite possible. Let’s have a look:
Repairing corrupted memory card while safeguarding the data 
The SD card recovery process can be done using the CMD command. Once the card is not functioning properly, it is recommended to pause any further operation on the card. Stop using the card until it gets repaired properly. The CMD command in WINDOWS-based PCs is a handy way to repair a damaged memory card, and that too, without any kind of formatting.  Have a look at the procedures:  
Step 1: 
Insert the card into the USB card reader and then get it plugged into the computer.  
Step 2: 
In the Search section of the Start Menu, simply type in CMD and hit enter. You will find CMD.EXE being displayed in a list. 
Step 3: 
Simply right-click on the CMD.EXE and type "chkdsk /X /f card letter:" or "chkdsk card letter: /f ". Say for example, "chkdsk /X /f E:" or "chkdsk G: /f" in the command window to start with the repairing process without causing any kind of data loss.  
What’s next? 
Once all these steps are carefully followed, a message may appear reading “Windows has made corrections to the file system" in the command window. This will clearly indicate the fact that the memory card error has been properly fixed. Now, simply check whether the data in the card can be accessed or not. If still, the data is not accessible, a 3rd party software tool may well be required to get things repaired and restored properly. Also, you need to approach a professional card repairing agent to handle the situation in a more convincing way.  
It is necessary to understand that the memory card repair procedure would take time. You need to have strong patience and keep calm. That’s necessary since the procedure can be complicated at times. Also, the results may not be positive in certain situations. During such situations, you need to handle things in a different manner, following other alternative routes. Playing intelligently according to the situation is what ensures higher chances of positive results.

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