Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Handling SD Card Data Inaccessibility Situation

SD cards, if not handled properly, are prone to damage and data loss. In fact, there always stand a high chance of accidental formatting. If not handled with care, you may have to witness permanent data loss from the card. Also, you need to keep in mind that memory cards come with a limited lifespan. Therefore, after a certain period of hard and fast use, they always stand a higher chance of getting damaged or corrupted. 

There can take place a situation that allows you to read every file being stored inside the card but you fail to save them. This happens primarily when the card is in write-protected mode. You need to unlock the write-protection switch to modify or save the files stored on the card. However, if you still find it not possible to write or read to the card, then there stands a strong chance that the files being stored inside the card have become corrupted or inaccessible. Use the Disk Diagnostic tool to carry out SD card repair and fixation. Reformatting can be carried out but then, it will result in removing every data being stored inside the card.  If at all, you plan to format the drive, make sure the backup for the drive has already been taken and stored in some other secure places.  That will prevent data loss.

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